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We sell award winning high grade cherry shrimps. Cherry Shrimps are the scientific species called Neocaridina Davidi. Naturally cherry shrimps originated from Taiwan in the wild and have over the decades been breed all over the world as freshwater aquarium cherry shrimps of all kinds of colours (Blue, Reds, etc). We offer healthy young adults around 1.5 to 2.5cm in size and juveniles on request. 

Behavior and Temperament: Omnivore, Scavenger, Non aggressive. They are active throughout the day and can be seen grazing on biofilm, aquarium décor or the sides of the tank, hunting detritus among the gravel, and sometimes even mating. 

Molting: Periodically, a shrimp will shed its exoskeleton, leaving an empty white ghost of itself caught in the plants or drifting around the tank. This is normal and the skeleton should be left in the tank, as the shrimp will eat it to recover the valuable minerals it contains.

Breeding: They will be ready to begin breeding when they are 4 to 6 months old. They have 20–30 eggs, which take 2–3 weeks to hatch. To maximize the survival rate you need a stable and cycled tank that does not have any other fish. If you have other fish, please provide as much natural foliage (Java moss, Subwassertang, etc) as a place to hide.

Food Requirements: We recommend the use of specialized shrimp food from BacterAE and ShrimpKing. Blanched (boiled until soft) vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, peas, cucumber, kale and spinach can be supplemented but make sure you take out anything the shrimp can't eat after a couple of hours. 

Recommended Tank Parameters for Cherry Shrimp

These shrimp are extremely hardy and are some of the easiest aquarium creatures to keep!

  • Ph: 6.8 to 7.6
  • Gh: 7 to 14
  • Kh:  1 to 5
  • TDS: 130 to 300
  • Temp: 16-26 Celsius (64 – 80 Fahrenheit). Colder shrimp tend to live longer but move slower.